Cookies are pieces of code installed in the browser that help the Website Owner deliver services for the purposes described. The user's consent may be needed for some of the purposes for which cookies are installed.
What are cookies for?
Cookies allow us to memorise the user's settings and preferences. It is nevertheless possible to prevent the computer from saving cookies in the browser. Instructions for modifying browser settings are available under "Help" on the toolbar of almost all browsers. Even if you disable cookies you can still visit the site, but it is possible that some services or sections will not work properly. Without cookies, the use of our site and the services offered will suffer some limitations. If you provide your consent, tracking cookies will be saved on your computer. These cookies remember which pages you have visited, and build a profile of your online behaviour. This profile is not linked to your name, postal address, email address or similar information..
What type of cookies exist?
The Regulatory Authority identifies two classifications: "technical" cookies and "profile" cookies.
Technical cookies are those used to improve the service delivery of users. In other words, prior consent of users is not required for these to be used (this is the case for us).
Profile cookies, to use the words of the Regulatory Authority, are "designed to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages that are in line with the preferences displayed by the user as he/she surfs the web". Consent for these must be requested, because both the Regulatory Authority and European legislation considers them to be invasive of the user's private sphere.
How can I manage cookies?
The user can directly manage his/her cookies settings through the browser and prevent –for example– third parties installing them. Through browser settings it is also possible to delete cookies that have previously been installed, including those for which the site in question has saved consent for their installation. It is important to note that disabling all cookies may lead to the functioning of this site being compromised. The user can find information about managing cookies in his/her browser at the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer.
Regarding services delivered by third parties, the user may exercise his/her right to object to being tracked by contacting the third party directly to obtain their data protection policy.
The Website Owner also advises that the User may use the Your Online Choices service, through which it is possible to manage the tracking settings that are used by the majority of online advertising tools. The Website Owner therefore advises Users to make use of this resource in addition to the information contained in this document.